Another week in Washington is in the books, and I now am back in Wisconsin for August recess. Last week, I was very busy with Congressional hearings and votes on the House floor. Below you’ll find an update on my work in my House committees.

Oversight and Government Reform Committee
Last week, I signed a letter and participated in a press conference along with members of the committee, calling on President Obama to remove IRS Commissioner John Koskinen. Commissioner Koskinen is accused of obstructing Congressional investigation regarding the missing Lois Lerner emails and the IRS’s intentional targeting of conservative groups based on their political beliefs.

The IRS has repeatedly failed to produce all of Lois Lerner’s emails while Commissioner Koskinen has been in charge. It is completely unacceptable for a government agency to make decisions based on political reasons. President Obama’s campaign pledge that he would have the most transparent administration has again been proven wrong. Instead, the American people have been lied to and deceived by top administration officials. I join my colleagues in asking President Obama to live up to his campaign pledge and fire Commissioner Koskinen. I hope this sends a message not only to the IRS, but to all agencies that even think about using their agency for political reasons.

Click on this link to see my remarks during the press conference.

House Budget Committee
Budget committee members recently introduced a new initiative titled: Restoring The Trust For All Generations. With Social Security and Medicare on an unsustainable course, we need to ensure Congress is doing everything it can to implement reforms now.

In Committee last week, we talked about the budget process. Creating a federal budget is no easy task, and this year was the first year since 2001 that Congress passed a joint House and Senate budget that balances within 10 years. It is our hope that by gaining a better understanding of the budget process, using analyses from different groups, we can make better decisions when it comes to spending and reining in the federal budget. As your Congressman, I remain committed to ensuring your tax dollars are spent in an efficient and responsible way.

Committee on Education and the Workforce
Last Tuesday, we heard from Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell regarding the gruesome videos that have surfaced recently concerning Planned Parenthood Federation of America selling baby parts for profit. Planned Parenthood, through both the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, received $67.2 million from HHS between fiscal year 2010 and fiscal year 2012, of which $62.8 million (93 percent) came directly from the Office of the Secretary. Chairman Kline questioned Secretary Burwell who referred the situation to the Department of Justice. I remain committed to working with my colleagues to defund Planned Parenthood Federation of America and protect those with no voice.

Joint Economic Committee
During a hearing last week, members of the committee addressed how the federal budget is affecting the economy. We discussed how Congress and the Congressional Budget Office estimates tax and spending policy changes and how those changes affect the economy as a whole. It is important for members of Congress to have these discussions and talk about how Congress can make positive changes to boost our economy, especially when it comes to spending federal tax dollars.

As your Congressman, I’m here to serve you. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to my offices in Fond du Lac and Washington.


Glenn Grothman
United States Representative


National Debt