Stopping EPA Overreach  
This week, the House passed the Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for FY 2017.  The bill allots money to the Department of the Interior, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and other related agencies. This year’s level is a reduction from last year and is $1 billion below President Obama’s requested amount.

Far too often, government entities like the EPA focus on expanding regulations on businesses, manufacturers and farmers, and no longer focus on the core duties for which they were founded. Provisions in this legislation stop some of the most overreaching EPA programs and rules that affect manufacturers, small business and farmers. By stopping these regulations, we are allowing for the production of more affordable energy that is vital for Wisconsin’s families and small businesses.

Additionally, the EPA will no longer to be able to control water on private land or farms – allowing farmers to use their irrigation ditches and ponds as they see fit without interference from the federal government.

This bill also prevents federal agencies from closing public lands to hunting and recreational shooting and provides funding to preserve and maintain state and local recreational areas and battlefields.

Click here for more information about the Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for FY 2017.

Oversight and Government Reform Committee
During an OGR hearing this week, I questioned Obama administration officials about denying visas to countries that refuse to take back their deported nationals.

Currently, immigrants who have committed a crime and served time in prison can be released back into communities in the U.S. instead of being deported. This is true even if the alien is violent and/or does not have any legal right to remain in the U.S.

Two solutions for this troubling issue are cutting off foreign aid to countries that refuse to accept their deported nationals and discontinuing visas to these countries – an idea proposed in the Immigrant and Nationality Act.

It is a shame that the Obama administration has not chosen to address such a dangerous issue during the past seven and a half years. I will continue working to make sure that illegal immigrants who have been convicted of crimes are sent back to their home countries and not released into communities in Wisconsin and across the U.S.

Click here to watch my full line of questioning.

Terror in Nice

My deepest condolences go out to the victims and their families – what should have been a day of celebration turned into a day of mourning. This is another devastating terror attack. We must acknowledge this threat, and take steps to protect our citizens and our friends abroad.