Throughout my tenure in Congress, I have witnessed few proposals as shameful as one of the bills put forth this week by my Democratic colleagues. While the government collects demographic data via federal surveys, this new legislation seeks to mandate that the government question individuals regarding their sexuality and "gender identity".
Even more appalling, this proposed data collection practice, which would be brought forth under the LGBTQI+ Data Inclusion Act, would apply to all Americans, including babies, toddlers, and anyone else under the age of 18. By requesting this personal information of children this young, it is effectively sexualizing infants and toddlers.
This is certainly not the role of the government.
This week in the House Oversight Committee, we "marked up" this bill, which means that we had an opportunity to debate, amend, and rewrite the proposed legislation.
During the markup, even though I believe the bill is so radical that it is beyond repair, I offered an amendment to prevent federal surveys from attempting to sexualize our nation's children by asking them to specify their sexuality and "gender identity". Requiring adults to disclose this personal information is equally as unnecessary, but asking this of children is especially heinous.
Unfortunately, my Democratic colleagues shot down my amendment, meaning they endorsed the notion that toddlers have the maturity and ability to choose their own gender or that children should be thinking about sex at such a young age.
Below, you can watch me introduce my amendment, stand up for the innocence of our nation's children, and denounce this radical piece of legislation.