FCC - Federal Communications Commission

How can I learn about the rules for satellite television customers who want to receive network broadcast stations?

The Satellite Home Viewer Improvement Act of 1999 set many new rules for satellite companies, local network television stations, and consumers. Most importantly, it created a procedure for how satellite customers could apply for a waiver from their local television stations. Without this waiver, the satellite companies cannot let a customer have network television signals from other cities.

Read a full explanation of the current law.

How do I file a complaint with the FCC?

The FCC accepts complaints regarding all aspects of broadcasting including: telemarketing, telephone slamming, improper taxes, obscene broadcasts, and broadcast interference.

File a complaint with the FCC online.

If your complaint involves an allegation of fraud, you may want to contact the Federal Trade Commission instead.

Please download this printable version of the privacy authorization form and then mail, fax, or email to my Fond du Lac office for assistance.

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