
U.S. Representative Glenn Grothman visits Attwill Medical Solutions for Roundtable Discussion

By: PR Newswire

LODI, Wisconsin -- Attwill Medical Solutions  was proud to host U.S. Representative Glenn Grothman today for a social distanced roundtable discussion regarding the company, as well as a comprehensive factory tour. Attwill Medical Solutions is one of the largest manufacturers of reagents for COVID-19 testing kits, and has unique freeze-drying technology, which may be utilized for the development of vaccines in a pill form. In addition, they have produced many other medical technologies, devices and components to alleviate burns, heart conditions, thwart bacterial infections and various other life-saving applications.

"In the midst of the global pandemic, we are proud to be able to have domestic manufacturing capability, which will save lives across the country. In addition, employ hard working men and women in Lodi, Wisconsin." (William Jackson, co-Founder of Attwill). During this tour, the co-founders of the company, William Jackson and Attilio Di Fiore, conducted the discussion with the Congressman, as well as guided the formal factory tour to show him the operations of the facility. "We enjoyed being able to display our tremendous capabilities in sophisticated manufacturing processes of life saving medical components and devices. Our intent is to build upon our successes, and expand our manufacturing capabilities and employment, to ensure job growth and a sustainable domestic supply chain of critical products remains in Wisconsin." (Attilio Di Fiore, co-founder of Attwill).

As the tour concluded, the group was able to discuss the path forward regarding the prospects of expanding their operations and facility. "Wisconsin's Sixth district is known for manufacturing. Today, I was proud to see one of our local manufacturers going the extra mile to help our state and our country through COVID-19. I have often talked about the importance of bringing medical manufacturing back to the U.S. from China. This is not only a boon to our national security, but it creates jobs at home. Right here in Lodi, Attwill Medical is helping to do that by manufacturing testing kit components, vaccine technology and various other medical-affiliated components." (U.S. Representative Glenn Grothman).

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