Press Releases

Grothman Introduces Bill to Crowdsource the Wall

U.S. Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Glenbeulah) today introduced The People’s Border Wall Fund Act, which would allow the American people to actively take part in making America safer by allowing them to personally fund the construction of a wall on the Southern border. The bill would create an account within the Department of Treasury that would allow public donations be used for the design, construction and maintenance of a border wall.

“For too long, illegal drugs, guns and criminals have poured over our unsecure Southern border.” said Grothman. “Concerned Wisconsinites frequently ask me if there is a way they can personally contribute to the funding of a border wall. As it stands now, there isn’t. That’s why I am proud to answer the call of Wisconsinites in the Sixth District and introduce this bill that will fulfill their request to strengthen national security.”


The People’s Border Wall Fund Act would create a trust fund within the Department of the Treasury that allows for public donations to be used to plan, design, construct, and maintain a barrier along the U.S. – Mexico border. The Department of the Treasury would be required to notify the public of the existence of the account, along with the current amount of funds and total amount donated over time.


U.S. Rep. Glenn Grothman is serving his third term representing Wisconsin’s 6th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

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