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2nd Amendment

2nd Amendment

Our right to own and use firearms is protected by the 2nd Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. As a Wisconsin Concealed Carry License holder, I will support legislation that protects your 2nd Amendment rights. While we should continue a national dialogue on efforts to reduce gun violence, stop killings and keep weapons out of the hands of dangerous individuals, I believe the rights of law-abiding citizens should not be undermined. As this debate continues, I remain committed to supporting the 2nd... Read More »


The federal government has been living beyond its means for far too long. Our national debt is over $34 trillion and grows larger every day. The debt and deficit not only hurt our economy, but they also affect our national security and the security of future generations. Members of both parties have been careless in spending and borrowing. Families and business owners of the Sixth District continue to voice their concerns about the inability of Washington to get its fiscal house in order. One of... Read More »
Career and Technical Education

Career and Technical Education

Over the past several years, companies ranging from small businesses to large multinational corporations have experienced a significant skilled labor shortage. As a member of the House Education and Labor Committee, and representative for the Congressional district with more manufacturing jobs than any other, I have made it my priority to ensure that our children have access to a high quality education, which does not always mean a four-year college degree. By supporting job training programs, a... Read More »


We are truly blessed to live in Wisconsin, a state with so many natural resources and beautiful landscapes. I believe in protecting our most precious natural resources for future generations to enjoy. I am proud to represent a beautiful district with a variety of lakes, rivers and other natural attractions. We must carefully balance protecting our environment while allowing the economy to grow and create jobs. The Great Lakes are some of America’s most valued assets. Being the representative for... Read More »
Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery that needs to be eradicated. The United States must do everything in its power to end human trafficking once and for all. Large events are often hot beds of activity for human traffickers, so we must raise awareness of the problem and become more adept at stopping this evil practice. Experts estimate that 10,000 children come across our southern border each year to be sold into slavery, which is why securing our borders is a key step in combattin... Read More »


If illegal immigrant apprehensions continue at current levels, the United States is on track to see total year apprehensions at approximately 600,000, a level the United States has not experienced since the George W. Bush administration. To say there is not a crisis at our southwest border is irresponsible and compromises our national security. Congress needs to address our immigration crisis now. That is why I am a member of the Border Security Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives. As yo... Read More »


Now, more than ever, it’s imperative our military be at full strength. As we face threats at home and abroad, our military should have all the resources it needs to keep us safe. As your member of Congress, I have the duty to make sure that the approximately 44,000 veterans who live in the Sixth District receive the support and access to care they’ve earned. I’m working in Washington to hold the Department of Veterans Affairs accountable and increase the quality and timeliness of care. While the... Read More »


The Sixth District is home to many of Wisconsin’s farms and agriculture production jobs, playing a major role in our state and national economies. In addition to Wisconsin’s famous dairy industry, our state’s numerous crops put food on the tables of many in our district, as well as feed the world through our strong export markets. Many current and proposed federal regulations threaten the livelihoods of Wisconsin farmers. The EPA in particular has gone much too far to impose top-down, nationwide... Read More »


Manufacturing is one of the key drivers of the American economy, and Wisconsin is one of the top manufacturing states in the country. The Sixth District in particular is home to many large and small manufacturing operations. Unfortunately, many challenges face the manufacturing sector, especially in the global economy that we live in. Costly, needless and overly-complicated government regulations handed down from bureaucrats in Washington are some of the top challenges. As your voice in Congress... Read More »
Health Care

Health Care

Our nation’s health care system is broken. Obamacare has made health care coverage more costly for many Wisconsin families and has forced millions to lose their preferred doctor, health plan or both. The new taxes, mandates, higher premiums and the marriage and work penalties found in Obamacare are unfair and have made it difficult for Wisconsin families to make ends meet. I support repealing and replacing Obamacare with a more free-market system, while keeping parts of Obamacare that make sense... Read More »


Before 2017, the federal tax code had not received a major update since the 1980s. It was complex, uncompetitive and burdensome. Thanks to the American voter, Washington finally passed real, comprehensive tax reform that benefits middle-class Americans. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has led to record-low unemployment in Wisconsin, including youth unemployment, at a 52-year low nationwide, wage increases, salary bumps, increased benefits, larger paychecks and greater financial security for millions o... Read More »
Jobs and the Economy

Jobs and the Economy

Helping the economy grow and create jobs is my number one priority here in Congress. As a former tax preparer in Wisconsin, I experienced firsthand how government can hinder private sector job creation with its myriad of regulations and red tape. In order to create jobs and improve wages for Americans, the federal government needs to get out of the way. Eliminating duplicative regulations, cutting wasteful spending and continued streamlining of our nation’s tax code will create incentives for bu... Read More »


Ensuring that every child in America receives a great education is one of my top priorities. As a member of the House Education and Labor Committee, I am privileged to be on the frontlines of reforming education at the federal level. While the federal government does have an impact on education throughout the country, I believe the responsibility lies with the local and state government. With that in mind, most of my priorities on improving education here in Washington, D.C., are focused on remo... Read More »
Seniors, Social Security and Medicare

Seniors, Social Security and Medicare

Social Security is an important program for millions of American seniors. Unfortunately, the Social Security program is facing serious financial shortfalls. By 2033, the Social Security Trust Fund will run out of money, and seniors relying on their Social Security checks will see their benefits cut by roughly 21%. This is unacceptable. As your Representative in Congress, I’ll fight to protect and preserve Social Security so current and future retirees have the program available to them. To do so... Read More »
Protecting Life

Protecting Life

I am committed to protecting life from conception to natural death. We have a moral and civic duty to protect those who are voiceless and defenseless, including unborn children and individuals with disabilities. During my service in the Wisconsin Legislature I was a proud two-time recipient of Pro-Life Wisconsin’s Legislator of the Year Award and was a consistent supporter of pro-life legislation, as well as legislation to help and protect individuals with disabilities. I have continued to suppo... Read More »

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