Press Releases

Grothman’s Bill to Support Immigrant Self-Sufficiency

Congressman Glenn Grothman (WI-06) today introduced a bill that will require an individual to be a U.S. citizen in order to receive welfare benefits, such as Medicare, Medicaid and SNAP.

This bill will help to encourage more hard-working immigrants to come to America, while discouraging those who only seek to come here to take advantage of our welfare state. A study published in 2015 shows that both legal and illegal immigrant households take advantage of the welfare system far more than native-born households. Moreover, Politifact confirms that half of immigrant families receive some form of welfare.

It is estimated that this legislation would save taxpayers $60 billion in its first year.

“The welfare system in America, while started with good intentions, is in need of a major overhaul.” Said Grothman. “We need to clean up the welfare system so those who really do need help get it, but those who are able to work, should. America has become a beacon of prosperity throughout the world not because of our generous welfare system, but by how many jobs we provide for those looking for a better life for their family and themselves.

President Biden has signed a flurry of executive actions that have made our borders less safe and has promoted amnesty for 11 million illegal immigrants, many of whom would use their new legal status to apply for additional welfare benefits. Now that we have a President whose priorities do not lie with the safety and security of our Southern border, we must ensure America’s welfare safety net does not become a magnet for illegal immigration. I want to give every immigrant a hand-up instead of a hand-out so they too can share the dignity that comes with an honest day’s work, just like my ancestors had when they came to this country.”

“Grothman’s bill provides a better strategy to support immigrant self-sufficiency and protect taxpayers.” The Weekly Standard.

“Grothman’s bill will save taxpayers a boatload of money, and it would do it without losing the benefits that hardworking immigrants provide. With more self-reliant immigrants, America could open its doors to even more who want to contribute to this country.” The Weekly Standard.


U.S. Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Glenbeulah) is serving his fourth term representing Wisconsin’s 6th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives.

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