Press Releases

Grothman Introduces Dillon’s Law

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Congressmen Glenn Grothman (WI-06) has introduced Dillon’s Law, a bill that will incentivize states to allow “good Samaritans” to save lives. This bill will allow states to use existing federal grant money for preventative health services to be used to train individuals to carry and administer epinephrine. The bill was inspired by Dillon Mueller, a Mishicot, WI native who tragically…

Grothman Bill Bans Critical Race Theory

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Tags: Education

Congressman Glenn Grothman (R-WI-06) has introduced the Ending Critical Race Theory in D.C. Public Schools Act. This legislation ensures that the harmful ideology of Critical Race Theory (CRT) will no longer be present in the Washington, D.C. public school system. Grothman has been vocal in opposing the divisiveness of CRT and has joined other initiatives in Congress to ensure equal…

Grothman’s Tax Fairness Act Brings Equity to the Tax Code

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Tags: Taxes

Today, Congressman Glenn Grothman (WI-06) introduced the Tax Fairness Act to bring more equity to the U.S. tax code by eliminating the carried interest loophole used by private equity, venture capital, and hedge fund managers to receive preferential tax treatment. What does that mean? When high-flying hedge fund managers control funds comprised of money from other investors, they…

Grothman Outraged by YouTube’s Censorship of Senator Johnson

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Today, Congressman Glenn Grothman (WI-06) expressed his outrage at YouTube’s censorship of those they do not politically agree with by banning Senator Ron Johnson (WI) from the platform. “While some people may disagree with Senator Ron Johnson’s politics, that is not reason enough to withhold the information he has from people who want to hear it,” said Grothman. “I don’t feel that one…

Grothman Calls on Milwaukee Mayor, Police Chief to Remain Focused on Bernell Trammell Investigation

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Today, Congressman Glenn Grothman (WI-06) reaffirmed his commitment to justice and the freedom of political expression. Grothman, joined by Congressman Tom Tiffany (WI-07), sent a letter to Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) Acting Chief Jeffrey Norman advising them to keep the investigation of the murder of Bernell Trammell a priority. Trammell was a…

Grothman’s Bipartisan Air America Act Passes Unanimously Through Committee

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Tags: Veterans

Today, the bipartisan Air America Act, authored by Congressman Glenn Grothman (WI-06), unanimously passed the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. The next step for the Air America Act is a vote on the House floor. Grothman introduced the Air America Act on February 24, 2021, which now has over 100 bipartisan cosponsors. This bill will correct an inequity suffered by the brave…

Grothman Casts Bipartisan Solution to Invasive Fish Problem

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Congressman Glenn Grothman (R-Glenbeulah) and Congressman Mark Pocan (D-Madison) today introduced a bipartisan bill that will help keep Wisconsin’s lakes healthy by restricting the access of invasive species of fish. Fishways serve an important purpose of preserving and enhancing the populations of desirable, native fish by allowing them a way to travel around dams. However, invasive…

Ending Sanctuary Cities

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Congressman Glenn Grothman (WI-06) has reintroduced the Ending Sanctuary Cities Act to the 117th Congress. This bill will prevent state and local governments that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration authorities from receiving any federal grants. It would also protect state and local governments from federal or state lawsuits brought by illegal aliens. In addition, any law…

Critical Race Theory

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Tags: Education

Today, Congressman Glenn Grothman (WI-06) continued to fight the growing influence of Critical Race Theory (CRT). Grothman became an original cosponsor of a bill (authored by Congressman Burgess Owens (R-UT)) that will rescind President Biden’s Executive Order that nullified the Trump Administration’s executive action to stop CRT from being taught to federal employees. The bill…

Grothman, Johnson, Wisconsin Delegation Call on Governor Evers to Help Wisconsin Workers Get Back to Work

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Congressman Glenn Grothman (WI-06), Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), and members of the Wisconsin delegation called on Governor Tony Evers to end inefficient, wasteful incentives and help Wisconsin workers get back to work. You can read the letter here. "One thing I hear from business owners across the 6th District is that they are having trouble finding employees due to the increased…

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